■As frontline leaders at the worksite, NAGE stewards are required to wear many hats. They are problem solvers, educators, organizers, and communicators. They are an integral part of a strong local that protects the rights and benefits of its members. The resources provided below contain useful information and tips for successfully performing your duties and responsbilities as a steward.
The Stewards Handbook
This useful guide, published by our parent union SEIU, outlines stewards' various duties and responsibilities in the workplace. Chapters range from "Dealing with Management" to “The Steward as Political Activist." The book also provides a handy checklist of things stewards need to know, have, and do.
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Representation Requirements & Useful Tips
Quincy, MA 02169
Main Phone: (617)376-0220
Main Fax: (617)984-5695